Wednesday, January 16, 2008

No Diego No!

Having three young kids around the house can be quite a chore. That is, two human kids to leave their toys around and one dog kid to eat them. We're getting better, but Diego still has some trouble discriminating between his toys and the kids toys. It's a daily battle.

So Diego was laying around being quite mellow when I spotted a wine cork in his mouth. He wasn't chewing on it or spitting it out. It was just hanging out. It actually had become wedged on his big lower canine and wouldn't come off. So I had to yank pretty hard.

Luckily the crate training has been working much better and it seems to help him calm down when we can't spend any time with him (and give him a chance to be destructive). He's also taken a real liking to playing fetch with the tennis ball, which oddly he's hadn't shown any interest in until recently. Definitely a good thing to work off some of his puppy energy.

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